Another blog on a pair of words commonly misused by esl learners – other vs. another,the other and others

grammar rules for another, other, the other, and others.

Other and another are two words that are often misused by many esl learners.  This short blog will provide some simple grammar rules to follow and other helpful examples to help you with your usage.

Quick Summary: What is the difference between another and other?

A simple rule to help you remember the difference between another and other is:

other + plural noun
others (a pronoun to replace other + plural noun)
another + singular noun

  • I need another cup. (cup is singular so we use another)
  • I need other cups. (cup is plural so we use other)
  • I need others. (refers to other cups)

When to use OTHER

Other is a determiner that goes before plural countable nouns, uncountable nouns or a pronoun.

Other + Plural Countable Noun

Other can be followed by a plural countable noun.

  • We have other colors if you are interested.
  • Have you got any other shoes, or are these the only ones?
  • Some nights are cooler though other nights can be very hot.
  • I have invited some other friends.
  • I can help you because I’m not busy with other activities.

Note: you can use other with a singular noun using the definite article when it refers to something specific or wanting a definite alternative.

  • I don’t want this book, I want the other one.
  • I saw Sally the other day.

Others as a pronoun

Others replaces “other ones” or “other + plural noun”.
Only others can be used as a pronoun and not other.

  • I don’t like these jackets. Let’s ask for others. (others = other jackets)
  • Most of the presents arrived on Friday. Others arrived the day before.

When to use ANOTHER

Another means:

  • one more, an additional, an extra
  • a different one; an alternative one

Another is a determiner (and a qualifier) that goes before a singular countable noun or a pronoun.

Another + Singular Countable noun

Another can be followed by a singular countable noun.

  • She has bought another outfit.
  • Would you like another cup of tea?
  • Don’t worry about the weather. We can go another day.
  • I think you should paint it another color.
  • They are having another boy.

Another as a pronoun

Sometimes another is used as a pronoun.

  • That piece of pie was delicious. I think I’ll have another. (another = one more piece of pie)
  • I don’t like this room. Let’s ask for another. (another = another room)

Note: you can also say: “I think I’ll have another one.” and “Let’s ask for another one.”

Another + number + plural noun

Another can be used before a plural noun when there is a number before that noun or before phrases such as a couple of, a few etc.

  • In another 2 years my laptop is going to be obsolete.
  • I like this city so much that I’m going to spend another week here.
  • We need another two students before classes can begin.
  • I was given another couple of days to finish the report.

Remember another is ONE word not two words (an other is incorrect)

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